Customer Extranet
Unlike a number of other MUD hosts out there Genesis Muds provides an extensive Customer Extranet packed with features. These provide for the easy administration of your MUD and ensure that many of the services a MUD owner such as yourself routinely needs are accomplished instantaneously and exactly how you want them. Below is a list of services we currently offer through the extranet as well as those we are in the process of implementing:
Currently Implemented:
Online Bill Pay
Shell and Extranet Login Management
Password Management
Customer and Billing Information Management
Published Game Information Management
Port Management
Account Balance Report
Current Services Report
POP Box Management
Upgrade your Account
Coming Soon:
Add Extra Services
Email Alias Management
DNS Alias and Domain Name Management
Coming A Little Less Soon:
Mailing List Management
Network Monitoring & Reporting
Game Resource Usage Monitoring & Reporting
Account Set Up
Another feature of our automatic services is immediate account set up when you sign up and pay your first bill online with a credit card. This allows you to start uploading and compiling your game within minutes of choosing Genesis Muds. No waiting around.
Also automated is our billing system. On the 21st day of every month you will receive an email telling you what your account balance will be the next month. That way, if you owe money you don't run the risk of forgetting about your bill and having your game locked. We also offer a 15 day grace period on all bills (except signups) so you don't have to worry about your game being locked if your on vacation or waiting for a paycheck. Lastly, if for some reason you do fail to pay your bill and your account is locked our automated system will unlock your account within minutes after you've made your payment. That way you can get immediately back to your MUD.
Servers and Connections
Genesis Muds sports a connection to the Internet often not even found at the largest hosting companies. Our servers are located directly in tw twtelecom's (formerly Time Warner Telecom) hardended Denver, Colorado facility, which provides several fully redundant 10G paths directly to the to the largest peering sites on the Internet (Chicago, Dallas, Palo Alto and San Jose). With this level of connectivity, our servers have short routes and fat pipes to the majority of the world's destinations, meaning latency is extremely rare. Furthermore, this redundancy combined with regular maintenance and improvements to our servers results in extraordinary uptime. Finally, given our powerful, up to date servers and refusal to stack them with too many accounts we provide consistently low load averages, allowing for MUD hosting without lag.